Why I would Ask for Director Wray's Resignation Letter
And the same of those 51 Intelligence Officers
Our new President takes office January 20, 2025. One of the things I would immediately complete is asking for the resignation of FBI Director Wray, with my new FBI Director ready to be appointed. Since 2017 I have been disappointed in how our Country's FBI has operated and I hope a new boss has great character, honesty, integrity, ethics and leaves politics at home. This will also require President Trump to leave political pressures at the door as well.
2019 - Hunter Biden Laptop:
It has since come out, during the Hunter Biden gun trial, the FBI had received Hunter Biden's laptop and verified its authenticity in 2019. If memory serves, the owner of the computer repair shop had to go into hiding from whatever public pressure he was under. People in the Trump administration or working for President Trump were regularly labeled ugly names for their independent efforts to verify the laptop contents and get them published. We even had 60 Minutes state the laptop couldn't be verified in a 2020 Interview with then President Trump.
But all along, the FBI knew the truth and didn't say a word. Why? As to the computer repair shop person, he is the one who called the FBI to tell them he had this laptop and the FBI seized it via a grand jury subpoena in 2019 that was part of a secret investigation started in 2018 by the FBI into Hunter Biden.
2020 Hunter Biden Laptop:
The campaign for the presidency is in full swing in 2020 and this laptop thing is quietly building steam in the background. We have an October, 2020 debate set. Out of nowhere (later proved to be at the behest of Anthony Blinken - then campaign manager for Biden), 51 intelligence officials release a joint letter suggesting the laptop "has all the earmarks" of Russian disinformation, before the debate. Biden goes on to use that letter as cover during the debate.
Once again, not a peep from the FBI. Is the CIA screwing around with American Elections?
General Flynn:
If you re-familiarize yourself with the series of events created by the FBI, most of which occurred under the watch of Director Wray, it is chilling as to what our Government can do to any US citizen and try to get away with it, with pressure.
The Theatrical High Profile Raids:
There have been a number of them over the past 4 years. The point of them, it seems to me: scare the hell out of people. The one I found most concerning, from a behavioral standpoint of our FBI, was the older gentlemen in Pennsylvania who was going to be charged with violating the FACE Act for defending his son from a serial bully. Yes, that man was acquitted of all charges levied. Previous to the raid, his attorney told the FBI his client would surrender himself when he was told to.
Then the man in Utah, elderly man-74, appeared basically to be a shut in. That man died during the FBI raid. Do you remember what his alleged crime was? Threatening the President via an on-line post. They break into his home at 6.15 a.m., he is sleeping in his chair, awakes to the raid, grabs his gun in the chair and they shoot him. Anyone fired, demoted or admonished? Remember Randy Weaver? They couldn't just watch the house and nab him and his walker?
Dylan Who?:
This guy is able to get into position to kill President Trump, injures him and two others and kills a man, gets killed on the scene and there is no report yet about this guy made available to the public? 4 months on at this point and the young man's life is so complicated we can't have a report yet?
The 51 Intelligence Agents:
While clearly a political letter designed to give President Biden cover, Director Wray purposely chose not to set the record straight. But, putting that aside, if I were President Trump, all 51 of these people would be completely excised from our US Government, all security clearances removed and they can never be hired by our Government again, directly or as contractors. Putting aside the CIA mucking around inside our US elections, these 51 people just made the whole thing up. Hopefully proposed legislation moves forward.
It also begs the question of looking at the Intelligence Community during 2019/20. Why were they left in the dark about this topic by the CIA and FBI?
And BTW, the companies these 51 folks work for...BaBye!
What I would Like:
I know it has been suggested but I believe it's crucial, is to fix the cultural rot at the FBI. J.E. Hoover made it a political machine and it seems it has carried on that way ever since his departure. Its common to hear: "there are good people in the field offices and lower levels, its all the top people that are bad". If that is true, why is it the same entity its always been.
Remember Strzok, Page and McCabe? Comey had no idea what these 3 were up to? How about the people that worked for and with the aforementioned 3? Are they just good agents doing their job, biding their time until retirement? Where is their character, morals and ethics? Strzok was there 22 years, McCabe, 20. What system produced these agents and when did they go from good field agents to the problem that needs excised?
I would like a person who demands honesty from his agency, the people in it and transparency with the public as much as possible and more. I don't want a person who goes to Capital Hill and insults the intelligence of the American people. I would like a person with the integrity to stand up and say "no, I am not doing that" and resigns.
Director Wray is an accomplished person and could continue to have a very successful life in the private sector, so what does he get by sticking around that is so alluring? It can't be the money.
By the way, our tax dollars are still paying Strzok, Page and McCabe. McCabe got back all of his pension benefits, cleaned personnel file and $500k to cover his legal expenses when President Biden took office. As for Strzok and Page, they reached a $2mm settlement earlier this year as a result of the government releasing their private text messages. Remember those condemning messages regarding "motive" of Strzok and Page. Strzok, I assume, has a very nice pension for his years of service, as well.
I would like to believe in the FBI as an institution and not look at them as a political weapon of any administration.
I suspect Director Wray will be asked to leave in the coming year. Frankly, I believe he deserves it. Hiding behind the DOJ isn't an excuse I can accept: "Merrick told me to do it"! doesn't really fly. "On going investigation so I can't comment", doesn't fly.
As to the next person, please clean things up, please restore our confidence in the system. The "rot" is so deep that is has to be viewed somewhere from the top down to when agents are even hired and how they progress through the system.
This will take a long time to implement with changes not seen for years, but if you can get the rules cemented, then maybe, no matter the Administration or DOJ, the FBI will always be respected.
I believe that if incoming President Trump made a very simple case to the American people why Director Wray has to go, it would be accepted as opposed to "retribution" against his political enemies. Because, I believe the bulk of the American people see "If they can do that to them, what can they do to me?".